Tummy Tuck Surgery Turkey

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The removal of the excess skin, which can occur due to many reasons in the abdomen, by the surgical operation is called Tummy Tuck Surgery .

Skin sagging caused by rapid weight gain and loss, sagging under the umbilicus formed after delivery, sagging of the tummy tuck due to the weight loss after applications such as gastric reduction or gastric balloon, the excess that cannot be removed with diet and sports constitutes the appropriate patient profile for abdomen lifting surgery.

Abdominoplasty Cost Turkey

Tummy Tuck Cost Turkey is 4000 euros. (starts from , for Istanbul) This price is valid for 2024. There are a number of factors that will determine the overall cost of your tummy tuck istanbul procedure. You can send us a message via WhatsApp and have clear price information.

Vip Package – Tummy Tuck Istanbul

Tummy Tuck Turkey all inclusive

4000Prices starting from
  • Tummy Tuck Surgery
  • Vaser Liposuction
  • Corset
  • Assistant Interpreter
  • A Class Hospital
  • Private Airport Transfers (Roundtrip)
  • Local VIP Transfer
  • 5 Nights Hotel

Procedure – Aftercare

Procedure time2-4 hours
Length of stay in hospital1 or 2 Night
Up and mobile1 day
Washing1 week
Sexual activity6 weeks
SleepingOn back for 4 weeks
Exercise6 weeks
Full recovery6 weeks
Final results6 – 7 months
Pain and DiscomfortPartially
Corset Should Be Worn For3 Weeks
Minimum Age18

What is Tummy Tuck ?

Tummy tuck is also known by its medical description, abdominoplasty. A tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) is cosmetic surgery to take away loose skin and fat from your tummy. The aim is to remove excess skin on the tummy that cannot be removed through exercise – for example, excess skin caused by pregnancy or losing a lot of weight.

How many sizes do you lose with a tummy tuck?

The number of sizes lost with a tummy tuck varies by individual. Generally, people might drop 2-3 clothing sizes, but this depends on the amount of excess skin and fat removed, and individual body shapes. It’s important to have realistic expectations and consult a plastic surgeon for personalized information.

Tummy Tuck Procedure

When the skin in the area of the abdominal wall has been heavily stressed by pregnancy or radical slimming cures, it can often no longer recede because it has lost its elasticity. Sports, massages and diets are not enough in such cases. The excess tissue must be surgically removed to bring back the former shapes and a feminine silhouette. Increasing cellulite, sagging cheeks and a flabby stomach: the strength of the female connective tissue steadily decreases with advancing age.

Women’s abdomen and waist in particular are often subjected to particular stress due to diets and pregnancy. Sagging areas of skin on the stomach and waist, which are popularly known as “fat aprons”, weigh more heavily for most women. The older the affected women, the greater the risk that excess skin structures will remain on the stomach as a result of weight loss or pregnancy. The main reasons for this are the falling collagen content and the loss of elasticity of the skin and connective tissue.

In this way, the slack, “hanging” tissue cannot recede, a circumstance from which many women (also some men) suffer greatly and which can lead to extensive impairments in everyday life. Ultimately, the only option available to many of those suffering from a sagging abdomen is a tummy tuck, also known as an abdominoplasty or lipoabdominoplasty.

Who is a tummy tuck suitable for?

People who want tight abdominal skin and abdominal wall are particularly suitable for a tummy tuck. Most women come after childbirth or significant weight loss and want to get rid of this excess skin and/or fat tissue. In order to achieve a completely firm abdomen, a large amount of fatty tissue can be removed as part of a major tummy tuck. This also results in the corresponding indications. Patients who only have small areas of excess skin in the area of the lower abdomen are suitable for a small tummy tuck. For most patients, however, a major tummy tuck is useful to achieve a satisfactory result.

With a tummy tuck, entire fat deposits can be removed. The treatment is particularly suitable for getting rid of stubborn fat deposits in areas that cannot be minimized with sufficient exercise or a balanced diet. It is precisely these fat deposits that can be removed very well with a tummy tuck. However, a tummy tuck does not offer an alternative to liposuction. These two interventions require very different indications. A tummy tuck is recommended when there is excess skin tissue. Liposuction, on the other hand, is necessary when there is too much fatty tissue under tight skin.

Total (Full) Tummy Tuck

The total Tummy Tuck – or total abdominal wall plastic – is one of the most common methods to remove particularly large skin flaps or a pronounced apron of fat. It is usually done under general anesthesia. In order to significantly improve the contour of the abdominal region, a long incision is first made in one pelvic bone along the pubic hair border to the other pelvic bone. After the navel has also been freed from the surrounding tissue, the doctor removes the entire layer of skin fat above the pubic line and along the bikini zone from the abdominal wall.

The loosened skin flap is then loosened downwards, excess skin is removed and the navel is repositioned. In addition, it is possible to tighten and fix the straight abdominal muscles as required. The latter is particularly useful in diastasis recti. The entire surgery for total abdominoplasty usually takes 3 hours.

What is Mummy Makeover ?

Many women who have lost breast volume due to pregnancy and breastfeeding will also have a breast augmentation with or without a breast lift at the same time as a tummy tuck. The combination of abdominoplasty surgery with a breast augmentation or lift is often referred to as a mummy makeover.

When is a paunch tuck necessary?

  • loose skin after you’ve lost a lot of weight
  • loose skin and muscles after pregnancy
  • scars on your tummy from earlier surgery or an injury

When is a belly tuck used?

A tummy tuck is used when the skin tissue on the abdomen is slack and sags. There can be various reasons for this. Many patients suffer from sagging skin in the abdominal area as a result of significant weight loss. The loss of fat creates a large excess of skin that cannot be reduced with exercise or a healthy diet. To remove it, the only option left is surgery. Such excess skin, which is also referred to as a skin pocket or skin apron, can also develop with increasing age, since the skin then loses its elasticity.

In this case, a tummy tuck can also be used for correction. The tissues of the abdomen are also greatly stretched during pregnancy and in some cases they do not fully recover after childbirth. The resulting flap of skin can then be surgically removed. Tummy tucks are also not uncommon after a caesarean section, as irregular scars can result in an uneven complexion. Excess skin is a cosmetic problem for many patients, which means that those affected no longer feel comfortable in their bodies and can even suffer from psychological problems.

The result is reduced self-esteem and even depression. Excess skin lying on top of each other requires very complex body care and can result in recurring skin infections even with consistent hygiene.

Side effects and Complications

  • Infection
  • Anaesthetic risks
  • Venous thromboembolism
  • Delayed wound healing
  • Seroma or haematoma
  • Unusually red or raised scars
  • Nerve injury or changes in skin sensation
  • Asymmetric results
  • Surgical site infection
  • A lot of bleeding
  • Allergic reaction
  • Damage inside your body
  • Bulges at the ends of your scar

Mini tummy tuck turkey

If you only need a small amount of skin or fat taken away, you may be able to have a mini tummy tuck. The procedure involves the removal of the loose skin from below the umbilicus. A mini-abdominoplasty is ideally suited for patients on the lower end of BMI (BMI<23) who have skin laxity below the umbilicus only and not above the umbilicus. One of the main advantages of a mini tummy tuck is that it can address smaller more localised areas of the abdomen in those who otherwise have good skin elasticity.

Abdomen Lifting Abdominoplasty in Turkey

We are performing the abdomen lifting, namely the removal operation for the excess skin that is formed on the abdomen in Istanbul/Turkey. In performing this surgery in Turkey, it has many positive factors for you.

  1. Reputable and Experienced Plastic Surgeon in Turkey
    Zty Health brings together the physician who is an expert in his/her field and has the highest reference and advice rate, with you. In fact, the success and experience of Turkish plastic surgeons are a very valid reason to make you have the abdomen lifting surgery performed in Turkey.
  2. Aesthetic Surgery with Affordable Price in Turkey
    Zty Health, with the price policy, performs abdominoplasty surgery in Turkey with more affordable prices compared to not only Europe but also many countries of the world.
  3. A Class Hotel and Hospitals
    Zty Healthcare team conducts operations in internationally accredited fully equipped hospitals. In this context, Turkey is creating a golden opportunity. The hotels that we have an agreement were designed for your comfort. We consider your health first with our hotel options close to the hospital. Tummy Tuck Surgery Turkey
  4. Interpreter and Health Consultant
    From the moment you arrive in Istanbul, the health assistant will manage the whole process with you. You will have both a consultant and an interpreter. As Zty Sağlık, we proudly would like to mention that we do not leave you alone at any stage.

Tummy Tuck Surgery Turkey

Process Before Tummy Tuck in Turkey

We are performing free consultation before the abdomen lifting surgery. The dimention of sagging in the abdomen of the patient is very important. This plays a role in the decision of the doctor to select which abdomen lifting method to use. There are two types of abdomen lifting.

1)Full Abdomen Lifting
Full abdomen lifting is the process of removing the sagging of the skin, both on the upper side of the navel and on the underside of the navel. In this procedure, the abdomen is pulled downwards by cutting the incision at the level of the two pelvis to remain under the underwear. Here, the place of the navel can be changed, so the new navel is formed. Tummy Tuck Surgery Turkey
The full abdomen lifting operation can last 2-3 hours on average. After surgery under general anesthesia, our patients will stay in hospital for two days.
2)Mini AbdomenLifting
In the mini abdomen lifting operation, excess skin is removed from the underside of the navel. The incision is shorter here. The navel hole is not touched. Mini abdomn lifting surgery lasts  2 hours on average. After surgery under general anesthesia, our patients will stay in hospital for two days.

Preparation for Tummy Tuck Surgery In Istanbul

We provide all the details that patients should take care of one day before, in writing and verbally. Among these details, it is especially important to be hungry for surgery. At the same time, the usage of blood thinning medications should be stopped under the control of a doctor two weeks before. In addition to this, cigarette and alcohol should not be consumed. You can come to the hospital in comfortable clothes like a track suit.

Your Stay Duration in Turkey For abdominoplasty turkey

You should stay in Turkey for about 7 days for abdomen lifting surgery. You will be in the hospital for two nights, including the operation day. On the fourth day you will be called back for the control. On the 6th day, your final control will be performed and the process is completed. Tummy Tuck Surgery Turkey

Process After Stomach Turkey

You will wear a corset after the abdominal surgery. You will wear your corset for about 1-2 months. In this period, especially on the first day, you will have pain. It is important that your movements are limited. You will be able to spend this period comfortably with the painkillers you will use.

Written on 19/02/2020 – Last Update: 12/01/2024